ماكنة خلط وسكب جابصين فاكوم صغير


ماكينة خلط وسكب جابصين الايطالية

نظام تحميل وخلط  لمساحيق الجابصين اتوماتيكا  مما يسرع بشكل ملحوظ عملية الإنتاج بينما يجعل بيئة العمل آمنة ونظيفة في نفس الوقت بالإضافة الى انه يعمل على نعومة قطع الذهب المستخدمة  وخاصة قطع الفيوجن وذلك بسب السلاسة في سكب الجابصين .

ومن أهم مواصفاتها :

القدرة على خلط بما يقارب 10 كغم من الجابصين.

تتسع بما يقارب 6 سلندرات .

تمنع وجود فراغات أو تكتلات من مسحوق الجابصين.

إعطاء صلابة مناسبة للمخلوط وبالتالي توزيع متناسق للسندرات.

The most important feature of this unit is that you are mixing and pouring investment under a controlled vacuum environment.

Now you can automatically mix and pour your gold investment under vacuum with the St. Louis Investment Mixer. You can mix up to 18 flasks per hour. This is a real time saver as you will not have separate mixing, pouring and vacuuming operations. Since it is user friendly, anyone can be trained in a few minutes to operate this unit. Simply place your flasks in the enclosed drum under the investment mixing blades. Measure the correct amount of investment and water, then close the mixing chamber and start the vacuum pump (not included). When you have achieved vacuum, turn on the two speed mixing unit and set your timer. These units will reduce casting rejects and produce bubble free castings! Now you are ready to pour your flask. Position your flask under the valve, apply vacuum to the lower chamber and open the valve. As the investment fills the flasks, turn on the vibration table under the flasks and you are done!

Vacuum investment mixers for the jewelry investment process. A patented unique system on the market for the degasification of water and powder before mixing under vacuum by using adjustable speed and mixing time. Flask filling under vacuum and with vibration.

Complete eavy Duty unit for multiple flask filling in each single investment preparation process up to 10 Kg max power capacity.

Main Benefits

  • The only patented system to blend investment for fusion, eliminating any presence of gas
  • This mixer blends the investment under vacuum, shortens working time and is user friendly
  • The machine guarantees a better environment both for the operator and others working in the same area
  • The sealed system eliminates toxic dust from the atmosphere
  • Complete de-gassing of the investment
  • Various mixer speeds suitable for every type of investment
  • Memorization of mixing time
  • Vacuum pump included

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ماكنة خلط وسكب جابصين فاكوم

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